I'm posting. What does that mean?? I HAVE MY CAMERA BACK! I got so excited that I tore the box open at the post office. Well, first I was SO excited that I practically ran out of the post office, couldn't wait until I got back to my room so I could start playing with it, but then remembered that I ran back to my room in the first place to grab batteries and the memory card. So I ran back to the post office (scaring a guy on my way back) and THEN tore the box open...and took a picture of the blinds in the post office. It wasn't a very interesting picture.
BUT, in light of Valentine's Day...

The State guys surprised the girls after our small group meeting with an electrical rendition of "My Heart Will Go On," some flowers, and CHOCOLATE COVERED STRAWBERRIES! :) It was a "Strawberry-licious" night indeed! Anyway, this is my pic of the day, perhaps the first of my P365 series? Let's hope so!
Day 1
welcome back.
heya jen! :)
that is all.
actually, its a cover of a cover by new found glory :D
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